Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Room of Requirement

Reading through the blogs, I was reminded that we were instructed to post a picture of the room we spend the most time in in our house. Well, we are currently in the process of redecorating so sad to say I would rather not display the jumbled chaos for all the world to see:) However, I do know of a room that I would love to have...the fabulous room of requirement from Harry Potter.

How wonderful would it be to be able to walk into a room that knows what you need from it and have everything ready for you. As it is I have a really hard time reading with a lot of distraction and thrive with silence, an interesting concept for those who have read that far in The Magus. To be able to lock myself away in a room where complete and total emersion into the book is facilitated would be marvelous. This would be the room I would spend the most time in if fairy tales were real.

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